jueves, 12 de junio de 2014

The movie of my death

People usually says that when you are going to die, you can see in your mind the film of your life. It’s absolutely false. You don’t see the film of your life. When you are going to die, time progresses very slowly and you can think a lot. But the only movie that you watch is the movie of your death.

The movie of my death has finished right now, and I have time enough to think before hit the ground and die. It’s inevitable. At this moment I’m at second floor and downing. I’m screaming. I don’t know why. Maybe is because Ann is screaming too, but… Perhaps she’s screaming because I’m screaming too, and bouth are screaming because the other one is screaming. Too much absurd. I prefer get silence and enjoy my last seconds thinking in the movie of my death.

I know what you feel, bro.

I always said that normal people have a normal death. If don’t have an exciting live, such a race driver for example, you will never die in a race. The only people that have an interesting death is the interesting people. I’m not sad for die, all the people have to do it any day. Really, I’m very proud for die in this way. I feel proud and cold, because I’ll die equal that I was born: completely nude.

Everything started when I decide to move to Sydney. I started to study at the Uni and I was looking for a flat during the first days. Here is very different from Mexico, the people are really crazy: they are willing to share a room with a stranger. It was not my idea in the beginning, but… I didn’t have so much money, and finally I accepted it. The movie of my death started when I signed the contract with Steven, my new roommate on 52 Cambre Street, in Bondi Junction.

-Thanks mate –he said after I signed-. So… OK, well, this is your bed and… Do you need some help to put your… things?

He saw to my little bag. I only had three jeans and five or six t-shirts. Was enough for the first year. Also, I was 18. And I was in Australia, in the last place in the world. There is not rules, there is not ethic, there is nothing: only my freedom. My freedom and a lot of rice. I never learnt to cook. I’d like my mum were here sometimes, especially at lunch and dinner. But this freedom was not really bad.

-Don’t worries –I said to him-, it’s enough.

He went to the table and sat down to do his homework.

-And… Steven…
-I’ve got a question, it’s about…
-Yes, it’s because… Well, I’d like to buy… Something.

He understood very quickly.

-No mate, you can not smoke inside.
-Oh yes, don’t worry, I'll do it in the balcony, but… Maybe you can…
-Mate, I finish this year.
-Ok, I'll tell you something: two years ago I had to decide what do I want to do: or being all the fucking day smoking marijuana, or stop with it and pass the course.
-Yes, I understand you, but… It's only for a few moments, and... Maybe you know who…

This is my name. Or it was while I was live. Probably after a few seconds I’ll be remembered as… I prefer don’t know it.

-Ok, ok, don’t worry –I said-. I think I’ll go for a walk.

Only a little bit of weed. It's not bad for anyone. And Homer knows it.

I went out to try to find someone who had something to buy, but it was impossible. When I came back to my place there was a girl going out. She really surprised me, and I start to talk with her.

-Eeeerr… Hi?

I never was alone with another girl.

-Hi! Andrew?
-Yes, and you are…
-Ann, the girlfriend of Steven.
-Oh! Ok, did he told you I am the…?
-Yes, his new roommate, isn’t is?
-Yes, it is. Probably you had imagined another guy more beautiful, stronger or taller, but…

She laughed. I wasn’t joking, but I laugh too. And when she finished, continued with the interrogation.

-Where are you from?
-Very far from here…
-You have accent from… Spain?
-No, no. Mexico.
-So… I was right. Mexico is from Spain. Tequila, paellas, sevillanas, bullfights…

She was so stupid.

-Not, not really… Only tequila. Spain is another country and... Anyway, forget it.

And then I understood something: she was australian. She could help me to found some weed. But I had to be careful.

-Oh, Ann… Maybe you know where can I buy some tequila.
-Oh, well… Really I’m not very sure. I’m from Perth and came here a few weeks ago, you know, cause Steve… And he’s studying a lot and don't have time to me. I’d kill now for a beer or… Something, you know what I mean.

She was not as stupid as I thought.


She nodded.

-I asked your boyfriend, but he didn’t want to tell me. I was looking for something, but was so difficult.
-This is because you are a male –and she laugh again-. Let me help you, let’s go.

I went to the street again, this time with Ann, looking for someone with something to smoke. And we found it in less than 5 minutes.

-I can’t belive! –Said to him-. You are so good, really.
-Tits, mate. Can be very useful. You want smoke it now?
-Why not –I confessed-. I think I still affected for the jet lag…
-Where do you live?
-Your place. Is too far from here?

She was so stupid.

-Ann… I live with your boyfriend.

And she laugh again.

-Oh my god, is true! Ok, so… Let’s go to my place.

I decide don’t ask her why were they not living together, but she told me it later, when I was doing the join in her balcony. We was in a 4th floor with amazing views.

-Steve is so stupid sometimes –she said-.

Ann was so stupid so times too. They was the perfect couple.

-Why do you say this?
-Well, you know… He was my boyfriend for the last four years in Perth, and then he come here to finish with his uni and… Do you need a lighter?
-No, I’ve one.

I started to smoke. It was fantastic, my first join after 3 weeks.

-What happened then?
-He stopped to phone me, was very busy with the classes. One week, two weeks… I thought he was cheating me, but she said "no" again and again and… And, unfortunately, I believed him.
-He was cheating you?
-I don’t know. I don’t think so, or… Really I’m not sure. I moved to Sydney now because I was one year missing him and I wanted to be together, but…
-He still with his books and things. Always I ask him, he says that is because is the last year, but... Do you know how many times had we sex in the last ten months?
-Obviously I don’t…

Obviously she was so stupid.

-Two times –she said-.

It was two times more than me, But I preferred don’t tell her. Unfortunately, my mind was working very slow (probably cause the drug, fantastic drug) and I couldn’t stop my mouth. Ann laughed when she heard it.

-Really? The universe hate us, mate. Let me smoke.

And she toke the join.

At this moment the floor is really near, so I prefer forward a little. I wouldn’t like that my last thought were about how I kissed her very ridiculously or how she kick me in my face saying that she was the girlfriend of my mate (obviusly I knew, but I was drugged). But, definitely, I don’t want think why she kiss me after this and start to undress herself. I think I’ll not understand in the rest of my short life, so I prefer to continue with the story.

I had in my pocket the condom that my friends gave me before I toke the plane. “Use it only in a very special occasion, they said. Well, I can’t imagine any occasion better than this: my first time, my last time and my death. All at the same time, but of course at the moment when I was putting it I didn’t know it. I was thinking that it was only my first time.

She was really hot because, as she said, “after all this time I really need it”. I understood her, I needed it too after 18 years without sex. We was so excited, and the neighbor (that was looking from his balcony in front of us) was not very important. Also it was as she likes people looking her having sex. It was being my first time so I was really proud of this. I wanted to say it to all my friends right in this moment, so I decided to take her and continue our romantic moment over the railing of the balcony.

It was amazing, the best experience on my life: I was having a beautiful sex with a beautiful girl and beautiful views. The sea was beautiful, the sun was beatiful, the street was beautiful, the neighbor in front of us was beautiful… And Steve, my new roommate, who was in the street looking for us, was beautiful too. It was perfect, I really want to tell to my new friend that I could get marijuana and meet a beautiful girl when…


I had forgot that Steve was the boyfriend of the girl who was having sex with me in this fucking moment, with he looking us.

Steve listened me screaming, but he kept quiet as a rock looking us.

This was the face of Steve. Exactly this one. He still looking us at this moment with the same fucking face. It's good to have time before your death to think in all this fucking shits.

When someone is going to die can watch the movie of his death, true. But also he can understand what happen in the mind of everyone that appear in his movie. And cause of this, now I know that Steve was not cheating Ann: he only was preparing the biggest birthday party in the world for his girlfriend, and go to her place the day before of this important date was only the beginning of the surprise.

The surprise was for him when he saw us.

And for me, too, when I saw him.

And for Ann, finally, Not cause her birthday, but because we fall down when I saw Steve.

An then, at the 4th floor I started to scream. I think Ann too, but I'm not sure when she started exactly.

At the 3rd floor I started to watch the movie of my death.

At the 2nd floor I started to think in all of this, trying to decide my last words.

At the 1st floor I finished with all my thoughts, and I don’t know what I should say. It’s not a problem, I was screaming so many time and I don’t have air enought. I’ll die in a few seconds, and it will be one of the best deaths in the earth.  It only can be better if I spend my last thoughts imagining myself dancing the moonwalker with batman.

Special people has special deaths.

[Based on a real story]

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